Thursday, October 13, 2011

oh hey y'all, i'm alive.

hello everyone. i apologize for being so distant as of late. the past two weeks have been super hectic, so i have a lot to share with all of you. first of all, i want everyone to know how much i miss you and how much i want to talk to everyone. with that being said, it is just not possible. i want to skype with so many of you, but i really just don’t have all that much time. i also don’t have internet where i live anymore, so that means i have to stay at the castle until late because i’m a full seven hours ahead of all of you lovely people. then that means i have to walk twenty minutes in the dark, through the forest. this just does not work for me on a daily basis. i also work in the darkroom in the evenings. to sum it up... i love you and would love to talk to you, but please please please do not be offended or feel like i’m shrugging you off if i don’t make time for you.

secondly, donna jordan. what about her, you ask? she is amazing. she taught week before last week on hearing the voice of God. if you’ve been reading my blog you are probably aware, this is totally new experience for me. she introduced us to different ways of hearing his voice and different things that keep us from fully discerning what he is saying. we did so many exercises on asking him random questions and seeing what he said to us. one time, she asked us to ask God what game he wanted to play with us and why. it seemed really random; however when i asked, i immediately got solitaire. i thought, really God? is that really you? he answered, yes. you play solitaire a lot and i would love to talk to you while you play. it’s also your favorite game and i want you to do what you like doing.
God is good, amen?

thirdly, last week. whew. what a week. we had a speaker that works in thailand. to be honest i was so overwhelmed by photo assignments and other things i really didn’t get anything out of the lecture. i was so stressed out. the enemy was attacking, not only me, but our room, and everyone else on base. i didn’t sleep well, and when i was asleep i had dreams - and not the good kind. i ended up talking to amy, the leader of the photojournalism track about things. she was the unfortunate one that asked me how things were going and i just spewed everything out onto her. she advised me that i should really talk to God about what he wants to teach me through my photography. so i talked to him during my work duty -- cutting vegetables in the kitchen. i asked him what he wanted to teach me and he answered this... you will never be productive and satisfied with your work if you don’t make time for me before.

what a revelation, right? i always knew this already but it’s so funny because that is exactly what i had been doing all week. so naturally, this is still what i’m working on. making time for him before i start my day.

lastly, in some of the same theme as aforementioned... i'm totally discovering a new way of doing my art. i came here with the expectation of learning more photography and not as much God. that has not been the case, at all. through my relationship with God, i create art. it's just another form of worship and putting God at the forefront of my life. 

aaand there’s way more to say.

coming soon to a web page near you.

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