Sunday, July 31, 2011

I know I just posted, but I just started my Quiet Time and was looking for some verses about God's provision, etc... (see last post)

While turning to another verse, in Exodus, I happen to put my finger in a place in Psalm. I know this makes no sense, but after reading Exodus, I turned to the place where my finger was (wondering why my finger was holding a place that was neither Exodus nor the index) and it was Psalm 67. Here it is:

May God be gracious to us and bless us
  and make his face shine above us,
that your ways may be known on earth,
  your salvation among all nations.

May the peoples praise you, O God;
  may all the peoples praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
  for you rule the peoples justly
  and guide the nations of the earth.
May the peoples praise you, O God;
  may all the peoples praise you.

Then the land will yield its harvest,
  and God, our God, will bless us.
God will bless us,
  and all the ends of the earth will fear him.

                                              --Psalm 67

This is my prayer.
Be blessed today.


I've been out of town since Friday morning with the rents visiting some very lovely, long-time family friends. It was such a wonderful weekend.

Let me just preface this story by saying  have been worrying about funds. Typically, I'm not a worrier, per se, but I've just been thinking about specific things I need, along with the fact that I've only received about 25% of the funds needed for my outreach. Seriously, I know I shouldn't worry and that God WILL provide everything I need, but every once in a while it just gets to me.

Well I got $300 today before leaving DFW, and I came home to find $300 in the mail.

God is great.

Shame   on   me.

End of story.

That puts me a little under halfway to what I need!
A huge THANKS to everyone who has been praying for me and sending me money.  I cannot fully express my gratitude. This experience has shown me how many people I have in my life that care about me, love me, and pray for me daily, even when I'm not about to begin a life-changing journey. I've been overcome with so many emotions over the past few weeks that cannot be put into words. The Lord never ceases to amaze me.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I actually model in my spare time.

Didn't you know?!
My boots came in today!

And yes, I'm in my pj's. No, I don't have any make up on. Yes, this is taken in my parents room - the only place where I can get far enough away to get my whole body in the frame and still cut off my head. Things are coming together. I also got my backpack and a sleeping mat this past weekend. Horrible webcam pictures to come, never fear.
Thanks to everyone who is praying for me and has sent me money! Without you, none of this would be happening. NONE. OF. IT. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Another One Bites The Dust.

I just sent the e-mail containing all of my Visa information to YWAM. This may not see like a big deal to you, but it's a huge step. There were concerns about my insurance, among other things, but naturally everything worked out. God  is  so  good. Everything minor detail about this trip has reassured me that this is exactly what I need to be doing:

I got out of my apartment lease early to save money, without penalty. HUGE thanks to Loretta at Harvard House Apartments for being so wonderful! My last car payment was due in August, however, I was able to pay it off early, as in two days ago. That's right, I own my car! When researching YWAM, the Herrnhut campus was really the only one I could find information on. I know that sounds weird, but since then I've found abundant amounts of information on other campuses. It was like God just wanted me to see this one.

On top of everything else, He has blessed me so much through my church. Not only financially, but spiritually.

All this to say, sending my Visa information, makes the whole experience a little more real. AND, it's one more thing that's getting marked off my very long to-do list before I leave.

Happy Wednesday Everybody.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

snow boots.

These just happened.
I had to get some good winter/snow boots because, in case you didn't know, it's super cold in Germany. Look at their average highs/lows here. They get quite a bit of rain/snow, something I'm not used to at all, as well. I've been searching some reasonably priced (read: cute), functional (read: cute), warm (read: cute) and water proof (read: cute) boots to take. I found them. Thanks, Amazon. I do believe you are my soul mate.

Monday, July 18, 2011

my new home is...

(perez hilton style)

I could've edited it nicely, but that would've taken too much time. Anyways, I thought it would be nice to give you a geogarphical idea of where on Earth I'll be headed to in about 46 days. Yes, that's right, only 46 more days until September 2!

My new camera and wide angle lens should be arriving in a few days.

Everything is coming together!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

spendin that cash...

I finally bit the bullet yesterday and bought my new camera for Germany. I needed an analog (one that uses film) and a new lense so I'd been scoping out prices, trying to get the best deal. Well, a couple hunderd dollars later, I got a Nikon FM10, 24/F2.8 Lense and a new carbon tripod!

Go. Me.

I still have quite I bit to buy and look at, but I feel like this is start. It should be at my door by my birthday next week, and I'm like a kid on Christmas Morning. On my birthday weekend, the rents are taking me on a trip to the big city (we haven't decided what BIG city yet) to eat P.F. Chang and hopefully get a backpack, sleeping bag, and other gear for my outreach! I'm so excited, not only to get out of town, but spend some time with just my parents. Also, buying stuff for Germany makes the trip seem even more real.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

hello everyone!

Chances are, you are stopping by here for one of three reasons:
a) you received a support letter from me.
b) you were directed here from my other blog*
c) you just landed here after a google search went awry.

Whatever the reason, I'm glad you're here. I plan (that's the key word) to use this to keep you updated on what's happening in my fabulous life, specifically if Germany. Welcome Welcome Welcome.

Here's a few things about me and my blog that you should know:
First, I love to blog, it's actually one of my most favorite things to do. I don't know why, it just is. However, I'm not the best writer in the world. I write like I speak. So when you're reading, imagine my voice and manerisms in your head and it should help you make sense of the madness. Secondly, I'm not typically I long poster. I might post 2 or 3 or 4 short posts in 1 day, instead of one long post every few days. Thirdly, I love comments. So let's hear em. Lastly, I'm rarely serious, but for the sake of this specific blog, I will try my hardest to be. Regardless, know that I am always sincere.

I'll be posting some before I actually leave as I have updates or important things to share.
Click here to find some previous posts about Germany on my other blog.*

*Yes, I have two blogs. You should check out the other sometime. It's pretty hilarious, so I've been told.

So glad you stopped by. I can't wait to begin this chapter of my life and I am so happy that you're hear to read about it!

Love you all